Our Principal Consultants
David Richardson, FFA
• Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries (Scotland)
• Over 30 years of actuarial experience with 25 years of consulting experience in the Asia Pacific region
• Areas of specialization include pension consulting, investment, general and life insurance
• Appointed by World Bank and Asian Development Bank to undertake insurance, pension and investment related projects in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India
• Project Manager and Lead Actuary of the team appointed by the Central Provident Fund in Singapore to design and cost a national medical insurance scheme, Medishield
• Appointed by the Employees Provident Fund in Malaysia to design and cost a national death and disablement benefit scheme
• Appointed by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia to conduct financial health checks on the 12 State-Owned Enterprises in the insurance and pension industries
• Appointed by the Asian Development Bank to advise the Insurance regulator in India on the appropriate risk based capital asset risk charges for insurance companies
• Appointed by World Bank to undertake an operations and investment risk review of the Social Security System in the Philippines
• Appointed by World Bank to lead a team to establish risk-based capital into the insurance industry in Thailand
• Former President of the Singapore Actuarial Society and a Founder Member of the Malaysian Actuarial Society